
Monday, April 4, 2011

Wake up those feet.....Its Springtime!!!

Its that time of year again when we put away the socks and break out the flip flops and sandals.  Spring pedicures are a must!!  This year I thought I would try my own version of the pedi and began searching for the perfect soak "recipe".  I found this one in Woman's Health Magazine and thought it sounded good so I gave it a try....LOVED IT!!!  I had to run to the store for a few of the items needed to make the soak but it was well worth it. My feet are ready for sunshine and sand. Here is what you need....

Don't cheat yourself out of the foot soak just because you're doing your pedi at home. This step does more than clean your feet and make you feel amazing. It also softens dead skin cells in preparation for exfoliation.
As you let a tub fill with warm water, remove all traces of old polish. Add to the water a teaspoon of tea tree oil (to banish stinky bacteria), a capful of witch hazel (to cleanse and tone), a half cup of Epsom salts (to rejuvenate), and three drops of peppermint or rosemary oil (to heal and freshen). Soak your feet for five to 10 minutes. I put about three bags of marbles into the bottom of the soak too. Rub your feet over the marbles or small rocks for a nice little massage. After about ten minutes, take your feet out and file away the dead skin.

Also, a brown sugar rub is a great alternative to the expensive scrubs at the salon.
Take some brown sugar, add enough olive oil to make a paste. You can also break open a few vitamin E capsules and add it to the paste. Add about 20 drops of your favorite essential oil.  Place a small amount of the sugar in the palm of your hand and rub into your feet. Rinse off in the shower.  And here is the best part ladies ( and maybe a few men too, who knows!!) top off your pedi by rubbing a good quality foot lotion on after for super softness.  You might even have someone else (you choose) do this part for you for the ultimate foot rub.
Add your favorite polish and slip into those sandal!

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